Try to Change

Three days ago I was in New Zealand.  The weather was cold, and there was a dusting of fresh snow on the mountains around Queenstown.  The people spoke english and wore shoes.

Today I'm in Thailand.  It's almost 40 degrees outside in the daytime, and still sticky hot at night.  The bustling MegaCity of Bangkok seems a world away from New Zealand.  But it was an easy 13 hour flight.

 Here in Thailand the people wear flip flops and speak in tongues.  Taxi drivers take detours to tailors shops and and fine jewelery stores where they get free gasoline while you browse.  In the early morning hours there are Buddhist monks walking in the streets collecting their alms for the day.  A couple of young guys kneel before an elder monk with their heads bowed and offer him a bag of McDonalds.  There's so much to see.

Back in Queenstown I had a routine.  I was busy with the work, eat, and sleep cycle with a little party on the weekend.  In Thailand I'm immersed in a novel experience.  I walk, eat, and sleep, but I do them all a little different.

Why stay the same when you can try anything?  


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