Two Wheels Are Ideal- Ten Compelling Reasons to Travel by Bike

    Oftentimes people ask me why I choose to ride a bicycle for thousands of kilometers, day after day.  
     I tell them that it's fun and I like it.
     They say, "Isn't it hard? Climbing up all those hills?"
     To this my standard response is, "You get used to it.  It's easier than you'd think.  And besides, what goes up must come down."
   Then this strange look comes over them, and I guess they're thinking, "Yeah right, this guy's crazy."  
     But I'm not.  I am quite rational.  So here are my Ten Compelling Reasons to Travel with a Bicycle:  
1.  Adventure
Give away the guide book, it's only weighing you down.  Choose the road less travelled and see where it takes you.
2. Freedom
There's no need for reservations, so make the cleanup as you.  As fast or as slows you feel.
3. Camping
Bikes are like ninjas; small, silent and agile.  They can take you places where cars cannot go. Simply scan the roadside when you are almost tired, and soon you'll find a nice spot.  Road closed except with permit? My slender  bike permitted  me to go around the gate. Park closed from sunset to sunrise?  Right on, there won't be anyone around to bother me...
4. Fitness
Pedalling  over 50 km each day will surpass the recommended excersize dosage recommended by most physicians. Combined with routine stretching and proper nutrition, this is a sure way to maintain a healthy  body.
5. Food for Fuel
Instead of rushing around with an internal combustion engine, move yourself with the power of sandwich. Gotta  eat anyways.
6. Economy
One may exist with little money and few resources.
7. Simplicity
Eat, ride, sleep. Enjoy the cycle.
8. Sustainability
Because bicycle travellers typically consume fewer resources, i think touring on a bike is a more sustainable form of travel. Both on a grand scale concerning the environmental costs, and on a personal scale with individual finances.
9. Scenery
There are so many beautiful sights to see, and it's really easy to stop for a quick snapshot.
10. Its fun and I like it.


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