9 Lives


       When I die I hope to be reincarnated as a cat.  Rumor has it that cats have 9 lives, and If I am ever going to do all I want in this world, to see all I wish to see, it sure would be helpful to have 9 lives. 

       It looks like this might be my 9th life.  One last chance.  When it seems like time is running away and there remains much to do, it's useful to have some conceptual tools with which to organize your thoughts into mental goals, break those goals into actions, and then piece those actions back together again to build your goals in the real world.  Thats where the 9th Life Game Plan comes in...

        With the new year hiding around the corner I imagine many of us have been thinking forward to life in 2013.  Tradition suggests we resolve to change ourselves every January - You know how that goes.  All too often our resolve loses steam and our willpower deflates  leaving us with empty promises.  This year I encourage everyone to break from the downside tradition of  dropping out from resolutions before they have been realized.

       And at the same time, let's be realistic.  It's not as if we can crawl into cocoons on the 31st and fly out the following day, metamorphosized into extraordinary new beings.  Change takes time and effort.  Perhaps most of all change comes when we desire to be different, with intention to grow. 

      So you want to upgrade but you don't know where to start?  I would suggest setting grand goals and then taking small steps to reach them. Here's the deal:

       Start by identifying your values. What do you stand for?  Choose however many you want.  Maybe 9 is a good number.  Write them down.  Your goals will naturally follow in line with these values.

        Next, write your Grand Goals.  What do you want to accomplish ultimately?  These will become your legacy.  Dream on and think big.

       Throughout the following stages you will cut your Grand Goals into smaller pieces, making them easier to chew.  List some things to do before you're 80 years old.  Then another set of targets to hit before  70.  Count back through the decades, hanging your ambitions in a timeframe, until you have reached the present era.

       Consider your present circumstances along with your high purpose as you describe your objectives for this year.  Write them down with some details. 

       Now.  Distill the actions you will take to attain this year's goals, thereby highlighting your steps on the path to success.  Looking up the ladder is motivating now that you can see where you are going.  Get real.
"A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step" - Lao-Tzu

Here is an example of consistency  extracted from my own plot:
Principle: Awareness
Grand Goal: Travel the world
Before 50: Walk on every continent
Before 40: Speak fluent Spanish
Before 30: Wwoof in Spain
This year: Take a bike ride around New Zealand
Today: Talk to strangers.  Make a friend.

      There are a couple more things to add, effectively rounding out the 9th Life Game Plan.

       The first is simply a list of ideas for things you might like to do one day.  I call these possible futures.  They include actual activities and potential interests.  This list is always growing.  It's constituents are waiting to ripen and be drafted into the plan.

       The second is an Intention Map.  This is a collage of words and images which functions to remind you where you're going, and inspires you to stay on course.  Get creative.  It could be reviewed periodically and kept up to date.  It's most helpful to post it somewhere where you will see it often.

       Now maybe you're thinking that writing out this game plan is a big enough job to be a New Year's resolution in itself.  I believe it would be a worthy one.  It's always worthwhile to step back for a look at your life, and develop some sort of plan.  The plan will probably change over time,  but it should still encourage you to get started.

"Stay committed to your goals but flexible with your approach"
       -Tom Robbins

Once you become thoughtful, even intentional about your destiny, these ideas are bound to gain momentum and carry you into the future.

        From the human perspective it appears we've got only one life to live, so get into it.  Good luck.  I hope this helps.

Onwards and upwards my friends...

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

*This plan was adapted from the 7 Life System as introduced to me @



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