<=> Less is More

Less is More.

There is an axiom for simple living. This idea assumes that we don't need much of what we are striving for. By recognizing this striving as useless and unsatisfactory, we may stop and focus our energy on the things that matter most to us. By saying hat we have enough, we are able to step back from our mad consumerism. To slow down, take time and appreciate what we've got.

Travel facilitates a simple lifestyle with few possessions. We are limited by what we can carry. This forces us to choose what is important to us, and to let go of the rest. With fewer things we have less to toworry about. We have less options to distract us from where we are and limit our experience by focusing our attention on objects.

Some positive side effects of reducing desires towards a simplified life include less financial burden which could translate into more spare time or excess for redistribution, amplified self awareness, and an increased sense of personal freedom.

Here's a short inspirational TED talk to kick start the editing process.



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